Jeff Gurvis Presents at ASCLD on “Crime Scene Technologies – Present and Future”

This month, Jeff Gurvis presented at the 2013 American Society of Crime Lab Directors (ASCLD) in Durham, North Carolina. Jeff, a forensic scientist and nationally recognized expert, talked about crime technologies such as panoramic image acquisition and 3D laser scanning. He also discussed forensic technologies such as rapid DNA and antibody profiling. Jeff’s takeaway message described his vision for the real future for crime scene management and investigation – leveraging emerging technologies to facilitate broad-based collaboration. This vision is not only at the micro level of co-worker teams in a single jurisdiction – at the macro level it encompasses intra-organizational entities (crime scene tech to supervisor to lab director to prosecutor) but also inter-agency. Cloud technology makes real-time information sharing and collaboration possible – including virtual engagement with experts from the crime scene or lab. This paradigm shift will transform crime scene and criminal investigation.